Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stop Calling Coercion Voluntary.

I am feeling quite angry right now.

What is it going to take people? How long do we have to go seeing the destruction of the economy before we decide that violence is NOT the solution to our problems?

Here's the intellectual solution that our wonderful university professors and political pundits put forward...Give em GUNS!

What do I mean? Well, you get all of this tripe from Keynesian economists, professors, and pundits that suggest that what we need to do to fix the country is have more "bailouts" "regulations" and "re-distribution". These Euphemisms glaze over the fact that they are backed up by a GUN.

If a company doesn't follow a regulation like "You must pay at least $7.15 per hour to all employees", what that means in reality is this "If you don't pay at least $7.15 an hour to your employees, even if they voluntarily accept being paid a lower amount, we will arrest you, incarcerate you, and if you resist, shoot you". Do you think that someone agreeing to accept a lower wage (thus they are happy to be paid that amount since they VOLUNTARILY chose that wage)warrants a death sentence for the employer?

Sure, you will probably comply with the law. The question is not whether or not you will comply, but rather why you will comply. The reason is that you will be shot if you don't.

Until we realize that human beings flourish in a state of freedom and are stymied under threat of coercion, the economy will continue to crumble.

Stop Supporting Violence. Stop Using Eupehmism. Call things by their real names.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I Don't Know

I had a call with Mr. Stef (www.freedomainradio.com) on his weekly Sunday call in show that was VERY difficult for me.

Empathy...it is incredibly difficult for me. Well, that's not exactly right. I have an incredible capacity for empathy as we all do, but it was not something that was allowed during my childhood. Empathy for others? That means a LACK of empathy for my parents. My parents had a sort of "My way or the highway" appraoch (more my dad than my mom) through many aspects of what they taught me. Not everything of course, but it should be NOTHING. If I wasn't agreeing with my dad politically, RAGE ensued. What is that like for a child? Terrifying. Much easier to just comply.

So here I am having emotional reactions that are entirely non-empathetic, but AFTER I already feel empathy. I have the TRUE emotion first, followed by the FALSE emotion. Erg! But, this is entirely predictable.

So what does this mean? Well, its tough to deal with of course. Its INCREDIBLY easy to want to self attack. Oh you are so cold! You don't even care about other people! This was your natural reaction, so it must be that you *naturally* just don't give a shit.

NOT TRUE. My history leads to this conclusion logically. I felt the true emotion...which is my true self. Then, I felt the past experience emotion, which is based on what my parents have taught me, which, as I've determined, is mostly absolute rubbish!

The QUESTION...why didn't I notice? Well, I am still very much looking into that. The ultimate thing is that I don't know. . I do not know the answer as to why I've lacked empathy in so many instances in my life. I have theories, but a major part of philosophy is understanding that when the answer is not obvious, coming to conclusions is unwise.

That's what I'm going to go with for now...we'll see how this develops.